Whether you’re a travel soccer player or a competitive cheerleader, sports team travel can be a great experience for kids and parents alike.  It can also be stressful because it is expensive and packing can be a chore.  Here are some tips that I have found that help to make the day of departure stress free and inevitably more fun.


Bring competition travel essentials with you so you don’t have to buy on the road


There is nothing more annoying during a sports team trip than forgetting an item you have at home.  Not only is it an extra stop on a busy trip, but it is another expense – for something you probably already have!  Make sure you pack all of your essentials for your trip so you aren’t scrambling to buy it on the road.


  • First Aid Kit – no matter where you travel for competition, it is always a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand. You can keep one in your car or bag so you have it right when you need it.  This is a great kit and it has all of the essentials that actually work well.  Plus, it has a little booklet with info on treating some basic injuries like cuts and scrapes.
  • Pain reliever – While, this should be part of your first aid kit, it’s a good idea to bring a bottle of pain reliever with you because you may need more.  Moms of girls know what I’m talking about.  I think on almost every trip either my family needs it or I share mine with others.
  • Cold Medicine – especially during fall and winter it seems like someone always has a cold when it’s time to travel so be prepared!  Don’t forget to bring any prescription medications either!
  • Water bottles – We always bring our own refillable water bottles on the road.  When we go to Disney (or other places where one person carries a backpack)  I always have water bottles delivered to our room as part of a grocer delivery because the plastic water bottle are lighter and buying separately can be so expensive.
  • Don’t forget sunscreen! – Especially if you traveling from a cooler climate to a warm climate sometimes we forget, but the truth is we should wear it pretty much any time of the year when we are outdoors.
  • Cards and ID’s – I always make sure that I have my insurance and credit cards in my purse the day before a trip as well as my Driver’s License.  This might seem like something you wouldn’t worry about, but you never know and one time we went to an event and I left my wallet at home (long story) and I had no ID, Cards or Cash with me.  It was a little scary and now I always double check!
  • Phone Chargers – make sure each child has a charging cord and if you are rooming with others that they are labelled. If you will be gone for large chunks of the day make sure to bring some portable phone chargers with you!  We have this one and it works great!


Have all of your gear organized ahead of your sports team travel


As a team mom one of my worst fears was someone forgetting their uniform when travelling to a competition.  Whether your sports team travel is for soccer, dance or swimming there are always key pieces of gear that you will need to pack.  Here are my top tips for not forgetting a thing.

  • Organize your gear at least a day in advance – I like to have everything gathered at least a day ahead of time because there is nothing worse than scrambling the day you are supposed to leave to get last minute items. 
  • Have each child pack their own bag and gear –  I think this makes it easier to ensure everyone has what they need and it is good for the kids to organize their own bags and gear when they are old enough. I like to double check that they have everything just in case, but usually my kids do pretty well with this.  Make sure you have enough room in your car or that you are within the guidelines for your air carrier!
  • Create or buy a packing checklist. If you travel a lot you are going to want to have the same items each time most likely. Having a checklist gives you peace of mind that you didn’t forget anything!
  • If you are travelling for competition by plane, ensure that you have all of your essential items like uniform or gear in your carry on if possible. You don’t want gear that you need to compete lost in case something happens to your checked luggage.
  • Store your uniform in a plastic bag in case of spills (learned that lesson the hard way.)


Bring food with you or have it delivered to your room


Bringing food with you when you travel for sports is always a good idea as it will not only save you money, but also time. We always eat out a few times because it is part of the fun of sports team travel, but I usually try to have our snacks, drinks or breakfasts delivered.  Not eating out every meal is also a lot healthier and will make everyone feel and perform better.

  • Bring snacks that are easy to eat and can be eaten on the go. Healthy snacks like fruit and nuts are great options; they’re nutritious and will keep your child going throughout their day. I like to have some higher protein snacks as well because they keep kids full and give them energy for games or competition.
  • Snacks that don’t require refrigeration are also ideal options if they’ll be stored in a bag for several hours at a time during travel days (like when traveling by plane).
  • Have groceries delivered. This is great for longer trips when you don’t have a vehicle, but quite honestly even for weekend travel this can be a great tip.  You can put together a larger order with friends to save on costs.  Just have it delivered to your room the day it arrives.
  • Have some fun snacks. I often get some groans when I bring food instead of eating out, so I try to bring some fun snacks like chips and salsa or a sweet treat in addition to hard-boiled eggs or apples.  I like to get their input on what they would like me to buy.
  • Plan with your kids what meals you will eat in a restaurant vs. what you will eat from the groceries. My kids would eat out at every meal if they had their way, but I have found if we decide ahead of time when we will eat in vs. when we eat out, they are a lot more agreeable.  We stay flexible because you never know, but it makes the experience a lot smoother.

Sports team travel can be stress free when you plan ahead and pack smart!


We hope these tips give you some ideas for your next youth sports team travel. Remember to think about all the details before you book and plan for the unexpected. The last thing we want is for your kids not to have fun because they’re too busy worrying about whether they remembered everything!