Hello, Team Moms!

As the backbone of your kids’ sports teams, you’re often tasked with the exciting yet daunting task of purchasing team gifts. These tokens of appreciation and spirit play a significant role in boosting morale and fostering team unity. However, in the bustling marketplace of social media and online platforms, it’s easy to fall prey to less-than-reputable vendors. Fear not! This guide is here to arm you with practical tips to ensure you secure the best deals without the worry.

Tips for Safeguarding your Team Mom Purchases

1.  Vet the Vendor

Before engaging with a vendor, take a moment to research their background. Look for reviews, ratings, or testimonials from previous customers. A vendor with a solid track record on platforms like Etsy or a well-maintained website is often a safer bet than a fleeting social media profile.

2.  Seek Recommendations

Leverage the power of community by asking fellow team moms or members of reputable online forums for vendor recommendations. Personal experiences can lead you to reliable sources you might not have discovered on your own.

3. Use Secure Payment Methods

When it’s time to pay, opt for secure payment methods that offer buyer protection. Platforms like PayPal, Venmor or credit cards can provide a safety net in case disputes arise. Be wary of vendors insisting on cash transfers or untraceable payment methods.

4. Communicate Clearly

Ensure your expectations and order details are crystal clear. Confirm the product specifics, quantities, and delivery timelines in writing. This not only helps in avoiding misunderstandings but also serves as documentation should any issues occur.

5. Sample First

If time and the vendor’s policy allow, request a sample before committing to a bulk order. This step can save you from disappointment and potential financial loss by verifying the quality and authenticity of the product.

6. Embrace Trusted Platforms

While exploring cost-effective options, platforms like Amazon, Etsy or even AliExpress  can be valuable resources for bulk purchases. Their buyer protection policies and review systems can offer an added layer of security. However, remain diligent in reviewing seller ratings and customer feedback.

7. Document Everything

From your initial inquiry to the final delivery, keep a record of all communications and transactions. These records are invaluable in case you need to reference them for disputes or confirmations.

8. Trust Your Instincts

Lastly, if a deal feels too good to be true or a vendor’s responses raise red flags, trust your instincts. It’s better to walk away from a potentially risky transaction than to regret it later.

Blow Pop Candy Gift Tags - Blow Away the Judges


Purchasing team gifts should be a joyful part of celebrating and encouraging your team. By following these practical steps, you can navigate the vast marketplace with confidence, securing those perfect team gifts without the worry. Here’s to a successful and scam-free shopping experience!

I have lots of Team Gift Printables and links to coordinating gifts in my Etsy Shop.  I also wrote an article for an easy one to give using just blow pops and a cute tag in my last post!



Happy Gifting, Team Moms!

This post may contain some affiliate links.